Saturday, September 24, 2016

Chapter 5

Actually we learned chapter 6 and 7 first and then chapter 5 but i am going to upload chapter 5 first and the  chapter 6 and 7......:)

CHAPTER 5- Types of utility programs and operating systems
- System software consists of the programs that control or maintain the operations of the computer and its devices
-An operating system (OS) is a set of programs containing instructions that work together to coordinate all the activities among computer hardware resources.
example of operating systems:-

  • Start and shut down a computer
  • Manage programs
  • configure devices
  • coordinate tasks
  • control a network
-The process of starting and restarting is called booting where is divide into two which is cold boot and warm boot.
-A boot drive is the drive from which your computer starts where you can boot from a boot disk.
-A recovery disk contain a few system files that will start the computer.
-A user interface controls how you enter data and instruction and how information is displayed on the screen.
-Memory management optimizes the use of RAM and Virtual memory is a portion of a storage medium functioning as additional RAM.
-A driver is a small program that tells the operating system how to communicate with a specific device.
-Plug and play automatically configures new device as you install the devices.
-Automatic update automatically provides updates to the program.
-A stand alone operating system is a complete operating system that works on a desktop computer, notebook computer, or mobile computing device such as

  • Windows 7- faster and more efficient
  • Mac OS X- for easy to use
  • UNIX- for multitasking 
  • Linux- for a open source popular and multitasking
- An embedded operating system resides on a ROM chip on a mobile device or consumer electronic devices.
-A utility program is a type of system software that allows a user to perform maintenance-type tasks.
-A file manager is a utility that performs functions related to file management where it displaying a list of files and organizing files in folders and more.
-A search utility is a program that attempts to locate a file on your computer based on criteria you specify.
-An image viewer allows user to display, copy, and print the contents of a graphics file.
-An uninstaller removes a program, as well as any associated entries in the system files.
-A disk defragmenter reorganizes the files and unused space on a computer's hard disk so that the operating system accesses data more quickly and programs run faster.
-A backup utility allows users to copy files to another storage medium.
-A restore utility reverses the process and returns backed up files to their original form.
-A media player allows you to view images and animation, listen to audio, and watch video files on your computer.
-Disc burning software writes text, graphics, audio and video files on a record able or re-writable optical disc. 
-A personal computer maintenance utility identifies and fixes operating system problems and repairs disk problem.

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